iEARN is a non-profit organization made up of over 30,000 schools and youth organizations in over 140 countries. iEARN empowers teachers and young peo-ple to work together online using the Internet and other new communications technologies. Over 2,000,000 students each day are engaged in collabo-rative project work worldwide.
The vision of Adobe Youth Voices (AYV) was to empower young people to harness creativity and digital skills to create change in their lives and their communities. Through a network of dedicated educators, Adobe has inspired young people to be intentional and impactful in their media making, to create with purpose. In all, 250,000 youth and 5,000 educators from 60 countries participated in Adobe Youth Voices since its inception in 2006.
Founded in 1986, YSA supports a global culture of engaged children and youth committed to a life-time of meaningful service, learning, and leader-ship. With half the world’s population under age 25, our mission is to help all young people find their voice, take action, and make an impact on vi-tal community issues. Starting in 2016, YSA will focus all our assets and outcomes on achieving the Sustainable Development Goals by 2030.
VIF International Education, based in North Caro-lina, USA, builds global education programs that prepare students for success in an interconnected world. VIF’s professional development, resources and consultation services are easily packaged to address specific goals and needs and are deployed in partnerships that support individual teachers, teacher cohorts within a school or across a district, or whole-school and district-wide initiatives.
ABRM este o organizație nonguvernamentală, benevolă care promovează biblioteca și informația în societate, susține activ bibliotecarul, acționând pentru dezvoltarea accesului egal la informații și cunoștințe pentru toți. Viziunea ABRM - o comunitate bibliotecară consolidată, vizibilă, cu potențial și impact durabil. Instituție recunoscută cu influență de impact asupra dezvoltării comunității bibliotecare din RM. În prezent ABRM întrunește peste 1700 membri individuali și colectivi, aceștia reprezentând întreg sistemul național de instituții informațional-bibliotecare: biblioteci naționale, specializate, publice, universitare, din licee, școli, colegii etc.